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Day 5 - "Thruster Heaven"

Day 5 is done!

An epic day!!

So, SealFit WODs have 3 parts - Baseline/Work Capacity/and Durability.

So today's Baseline was to find a 5 Rep Max deadlift, push press and front squat.

I did 105# for push press, 145# for front squats and stayed at 200# for my deadlift which I did off of some plates because of my hamstring. I didn't want to go heavier today on those.

Then! The work capacity:

45:00 AMRAP - I got 6 full rounds-

10 As Heavy As Possible Unbroken Thrusters. (I chose to use 85#) 50 Double unders 2:00 Plank 400 meter run (I did 2:00 on bike)

And lastly the Durability: 100 4-count flutter kicks 100 4-count jumping jacks 100 mountain climbers

This was just awesome! Surprisingly the hardest part was the PLANK!!! Lol!! You can see in the video how much I struggled! I had to break every round!

I have truly been enjoying these workouts! I LOVE the anticipation of picking a new workout every evening, I LOVE the workouts that have been chosen because they have been perfect for me to work on the things I always say I need to work on, and I just LOVE the challenge of it all! I have been in such a state of JOY these last 5 days. Sometimes you don't know how much you need a change until you make a change!

Until next time... LOVE!



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